Evergreen Elementary School Home


Principal's Message

Evergreen Elementary is committed to creating a school that empowers every student  to be academically proficient in reading, writing, and math.  All students will  develop their character and their academic readiness skills in preparation for college.  The elementary education we provide our students will serve as the foundation upon which they will build their lives.

Events Calendar

News and Alerts

March Parent calendar

March Parent Calendar

March Parent Calendar is now available. Make sure to save the dates to important events.
RAA 2025

Read Across America Week

Happy Read Across America Week! This week we celebrate Dr. Seuss Birthday and his love for reading. We will celebrate by having a dress up spirit week and activities throughout the week. We have special community guest visiting on Tuesday to read with our students. The California Highway Patrol Officers will be reading to our students.
Community Fair

City of Whittier Community Fair

We're excited to invite you to a special event right here at Evergreen Elementary! The City of Whittier is coming to our school to host a Community Resource Fair, showcasing a wide array of valuable city programs and resources available to our community. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about local services that can benefit your family and connect with city departments directly. Light refreshments will be provided, so come join us for an informative and engaging evening!
WFC Spring Fundraiser

World Finest Chocolate Spring Fundraiser

PTA is kicking off this year’s Spring Fundraiser on March 3, 2025. We are excited to bring the finest chocolate to our families. A flyer along with a parent agreement was sent out last week. Students are able to participate if parents agree to sign the contract and return the funds on the due date. Parents are able to do one of the following options to receive a box of chocolate:
1. Return the sign contract to the school (via their child) and PTA will deliver the box of chocolate to the child’s classroom.
2. Parents have the option to pick up a box of chocolate on March 3rd between 2:15 – 2:45pm or 5:30pm – 6pm in room 25.
Any questions please email [email protected] Thank you in advanced for your support and participation! Parent agreement is attached to this message.
Parent teacher conference

Spring Parent Teacher Conference

The end of Trimester 2 is Friday, March 7th. Students have been working hard to demonstrate what they know through their benchmark assessments. Please save the date: Spring Parent-Conference will take place on March 24-28. All schools will operate on a minimum day schedule during the week. Teachers will be sending out parent conference invitation soon.
Yearbook Sale

Yearbook Sale - $25.00

Don’t be left out! Order your school Yearbook online today for $25. In order to reserve your yearbook, the deadline to purchase online is April 12, 2025.
Order online at: ybpay.lifetouch.com
Yearbook ID code: 11709325
After School program

After School Enrichment Programs

We are excited to host three after school enrichment programs. If your child is interested, they may still sign up. All three clubs begin on Thursday, March 6th at 3pm. Students participating may stay after school and report to the cafeteria at 2:30pm. Students will be supervise in the cafeteria until 3pm. All students will be dismiss at 4pm at the front gate. Any question, you contact Mrs. Ruth at [email protected]
Dragon News

Dragon Newsletter- January 2025

We're excited to announce that our Trimester 2 Dragon Newsletter is now available! Inside, you'll find valuable updates on our ROAR discipline data, upcoming events in February and March, and exciting news about our new after-school club, Chess Master!
Evergreen Awards

Congratulations Evergreen Community!

Congratulations to the incredible Evergreen community! We are thrilled to announce that Evergreen has been recognized as a 2025 Best Elementary School by U.S. News & World Report, and we’ve also earned the titles of 2024 Honor School and 2024 PBIS Gold School!

These awards are a testament to the dedication, hard work, and passion of our students, teachers, and families. Thank you for your support and commitment to excellence. Together, we are creating a nurturing and inspiring environment for our children to thrive.

Let’s celebrate this amazing achievement and continue to strive for greatness in the years to come! Here’s to more milestones and successes ahead!